[VAND] diverse piese logan

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  • [VAND] diverse piese logan

    pompa servodirectie mecanica de benzina si de diesel 350 ron . 0765424433
    Pain brings out the truth in us all...
    ...how much truth can you stand?

  • #2
    vand diverse piese logan

    vand urmatoarele piese de logan- toate sunt de origine:
    -planetara stanga benzina fara ABS - 400 ron
    -pompa servodirectie mecanica benzina /diesel - 250 ron
    -set macarale electrice fata noi , cu instalatie electrica - 600 ron
    -2 oglinzi electrice berlina vopsite albastru marine - 250 ron
    -2 butoane macara cu impuls - 150 ron
    -coloana volan cu/fara directie asistata - 250 ron
    -maneta lumini cu proiectoare noua - 200 ron
    -injectoare dci euro 4 - 450 ron
    -volan (fara airbag ) - 100 ron
    -senzor turatie benzina - 150 ron
    -corp clapeta logan si solenza - 300 ron
    -set bielete antiruliu si cuzineti antiruliu noi - 200 ron
    -galet intindere accesorii diesel - 200 ron nou
    -motor de ansamblu stergator - 100 lei
    -chiulasa logan benzina dezechipata - 800 ron
    -capota spate tip vechi - 300 ron - zona brasov
    -usa stanga fata - 300 ron - zona brasov
    -contact rotativ sub volan - 80 ron
    -repartitor frana nou - 200 lei
    -pompa apa noua - 180 lei
    -colectie incuietori s.h. - 150 lei
    cric (tip romb ) - 100 lei
    pompa injectie DCI euro 4 - 1000 lei
    tablou bord fara CB u km putini -150 lei
    centura dreapta fata - 100 lei
    tubulatura turbo - 200 lei
    tubulatura sistem alimetare si injectie DCI- 200 lei
    rezervor DCI - 300 lei

    Last edited by EUGEN2008; 17 July 2009, 08:43. Reason: crescut oferta de piese
    Pain brings out the truth in us all...
    ...how much truth can you stand?


    • #3
      mar interesa butoanele cu impuls, 150 ron buc?? sunt noi?> astept un raspuns.. numai bine
      2004 Dacia Logan 1.4MPi
      2006 Dacia Logan 1.5dCi
      2007 Opel Astra H 1.7CDTI


      • #4
        Tudor ai PM!
        Pain brings out the truth in us all...
        ...how much truth can you stand?


        • #5
          vand diverse piese

          lista e valabila
          Pain brings out the truth in us all...
          ...how much truth can you stand?


          • #6
            oferta valabila .
            Pain brings out the truth in us all...
            ...how much truth can you stand?


            • #7
              inca valabil .....
              Pain brings out the truth in us all...
              ...how much truth can you stand?


              • #8
                Instalatie boxe spate originala ai ?
                Opel Vectra A 1995
                Logan Preferance 2009
                Logan Editie Limitata 2014


                • #9
                  nu am , cauta si tu un electrician la un dealer si te descurci cu el la ceva schimbat pe asigurari sau ramas prin trusa.
                  Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                  ...how much truth can you stand?


                  • #10
                    piesele din lista sunt valabile
                    Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                    ...how much truth can you stand?


                    • #11
                      Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                      ...how much truth can you stand?


                      • #12
                        Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                        ...how much truth can you stand?


                        • #13
                          Ajutor !?

                          ajutor! Pls! se poate schimba de catre un operator titlul thread-ului in Vand piese logan second - hand? Multumesc
                          Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                          ...how much truth can you stand?


                          • #14
                            oferta e valabila
                            Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                            ...how much truth can you stand?


                            • #15
                              inca valabil
                              Pain brings out the truth in us all...
                              ...how much truth can you stand?


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